
Friday, July 5, 2013

Is it the end or only the beginning?

Wow I can't believe this is finally over!  I feel like I have learned so much that I would have never known.  I am not computer savvy, but I strongly feel this project has helped me come a long ways.  I did hate having to make a login for every website.  I feel like I am a member of a thousand websites now haha!  I am sure that I will use some of these tools the rest of my life, and there are some that I will never look at again.  

My favorite exercise on this journey was animoto.  I really liked making the picture slide show.  It was fun and very user friendly.  Trust me I need all the help I can get when it comes to web apps.  I also liked the happy face generator app.  I like things that I can alter to catch my student's attention.  It was easy to create and would be easy to place in a PowerPoint presentation.  I feel like this program has made me step outside of my comfort zone.  I have always tried to avoid technology, but let's face it this is the future of education.  I must evolve with it if I want to have a career in education.  What I have taken away from this program is that I need to educate myself on technology.  I struggled along the way because I do not challenge myself in technology like in need to.  The only thing that I see could be done to make this program better is to update some of the tasks because I feel as though some might be out of date.  
I now know that there are so many things available to me that will make me a better teacher.  This exercise just showed me a few, and I know that there are so many more out there.  I feel like I learned things that will make me a much better teacher.  I plan to start researching more technology applications that I could use in my classroom.  I believe it is necessary for my success to do this at least once a week.  I would like to thank you for opening me up to a new world.  I would have never known about any of these apps if it wasn't for this project.  I might have even became an occasional blogger.

Thing 23

I looked at the bottom of Thing 23 and found this Creative Commons License.  I haven't noticed these on any of the other pages, but it was because I was not looking.  As a teacher, I will do my best from now on to use Creative Commons in the right way.  I will use them in PowerPoint presentations because I am constantly pulling things off the internet and adding it to my PowerPoint.  I will also try to teach my students from now on how they need to use Creative Commons in all presentations they do for school.  I want to give credit where credit is due.  

Thing 22

Chemistry Experiments

The three titles of my binders are Chemistry Experiments, Chemistry Lesson Plans, and Biology Experiments.  I decided to place my Chemistry Experiments binder in my blog.  If anyone wants to look at this binder the password to access this binder is Chem Exp.  This could be easily added to class.  I could have my students access a binder according to the Chapter we were studying in class.  In that binder I could post more resources to help his or her understanding of the subject.  I could also post homework assignment that require them to visit the websites I have placed in my binder to answer the questions from the assignment.  You could go many different ways with these binders.  This is a nice app to use for all teachers.  I liked this one.  

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thing 21

Thing 21

I really liked this website!  I think I liked this part of APSU 23 Things better than any of the rest of them.  I had never made a picture video to music.  I have always wondered how people made slide shows like that, but I have come to find out using this website it is not that hard.  I like how people can get a glimpse of my life in a short 30 second video.  I thought it was really easy to use and I like how it could access my pictures on Facebook and Instagram.  This is very user friendly.

Thing 20

I love youtube! I am constantly looking at youtube videos, but I usually get on there just to have a few laughs.  I like how easy it is to navigate the site.  Just type in what you are looking for and up pops several videos.  I chose the Periodic Table song.  The reason why I chose this is because I have to teach the periodic table to my students, and many students struggle to remember the periodic table.  Anything that can help my students remember the elements is a great help to them and it might also keep me from pulling out my hair.  I can see many components of this website that could be great if added to my library website. The only problem with this is that youtube is blocked at my school, so if the student did not have access to the internet outside of school they could not watch the videos.

Thing 19

I like the idea of having a social network that is centered towards teachers.  Teacher pop seems easy to navigate and very similar to Facebook.  I do not think that I will join another social network besides the ones that we have already joined in the APSU 23 Things.  Even though I do not get on Facebook that much anymore, I still like it the best.  I guess the reason for that is that I know how to use it.  We all are creatures of habit.  I would have posted to other people but my request to be a member is still pending.  I will check back again later to see if I can do more things on Teacher Pop.  
Here is a link to Teacher Pop badge

Thing 18

Social Networking

I would like to start off by saying that I have a Facebook and Twitter.  The only thing wrong with that is that I maybe look at them once a day.  Now my students on the other hand can't wait till class is over to check their Facebook and Twitter.  When I was in college I use to get on Facebook every 15 minutes.  Now I just get on there to see what some of my old friends are doing these days.

I think it is important as educators to understand social networking.  The reason why I say this is because the students we teach live their lives through social networking.  It is almost like they cannot even have a conversation face to face anymore.  I honestly don't think I could gain any new insight on either one of these sites because I literally felt like in college that I lived my life through these social networks.  I think I use to be one of the robots I teach.  What I like the most about these sites is that I can keep everything private.  I like that I can make sure that only my friends can see what pictures I post or what people post on my wall.  I do not want everybody to know what is going on in my life.  I especially do not want the students to know.  I think Facebook has the most useful features simply because it can do anything.  I feel like twitter is just a text message.  You can't really get to see someone's life just by a tweet.  I believe this could be useful in a classroom setting because students love these social networks.  If we could add our homework to a Facebook page, I feel like more students would do it just because it is on Facebook.  This is the life we live in and we better get with it or get left behind.

This is a screenshot of my Facebook page.  The lady in the picture with me is the teacher that is right across the hall.  This is from our high school's prom. 

Thing 17


First off who came up with this name?  I was just a little bit afraid of typing in a web address that is called delicious.com.  I really liked the tutorial video because if I would have not watched it, I would considered this a complete waste of time.  The reason why I say that is because I already bookmark sites on my computer.  After watching the video and exploring the site, I see how this could be useful for teachers.  The science teachers in my department are constantly sending emails to each other about science websites that have ideas for classroom activities.  We could tag and bookmark sites on delicious instead of constantly sending emails and junking up each others email.  This way we could just log on and see the sites that the other teachers bookmarked with tags that fit the subject we teach.  I get emails about Physics activities, and I don't even teach Physics.  This could save me time and energy because I could click on a tag that was useful for my subject that other teachers in my department thought would be a good resource.

I see how this could be useful in the classroom.  I could post websites or articles on delicious for my students to browse at home or in the computer lab.  The only problem I see with this is that my students could also post websites that are not related to Science and tag them under my class.  I could just see problems that might arise from social bookmarking with your students.

Thing 16


I chose IGoogle as my start up page since my homepage on my computer is Google.  I really like IGoogle because it gives me all the information I need on one page.  As soon as I created the front page my email and my calendar were already on the page.  I also liked having the weather gadget on the page because I am constantly checking the weather.  I also added a sports gadget to the page.  I love sports so why not have a sports gadget.  What I liked best was having everything that I need on one page.  This would save me so much time when I get on the internet.  Instead of searching the internet, I have everything I need on one page.  Great tool that I plan on making my homepage.

Online Calendar-Google

I picked the Google calendar because I already use this app.  I like this online calendar because it is also on my phone.  It helps me keep with upcoming events that I have to attend.  This helps me keep up with things in my life because it is hard to keep up with things while coaching two sports and having deadlines at school.  I also like that it sends reminders to my phone.  That way I have no excuses on being late or forgetting about an event.  

To Do List- Remember the Milk

I think the To Do List Remember the Milk is really to much work.  The reason why I say this is because I could do the same thing in Google Calendar.  I could set a time and date for something to be done and have it remind me as often as I want it to.  I do think that this tool could be useful if you had the time to sit down and navigate the site.  I really did not think that it was very user friendly, but remember I am not that great with computers!

Thing 15

This was my first time to play around with Wiki's.  I am not very computer savvy, so this was great for me.  It taught me how to edit Wiki pages. At first I could not figure out how to edit the wiki, but after I figured it out  I thought it was really easy to edit the 23 Things Sandbox Wiki.  I decided to upload my favorite app that I have learned how to use during this class.  I thought the Wiki was easy to use, and I also liked seeing what my other classmates had posted to the Wiki.

I think this would be easy to use in my classroom.  I could post things to the Wiki, and allow my students to edit the posts.  I could place wrong information in the Wiki and have my students read through it and correct it.  This would be a great practice for my students.  This would ensure that all of my students are learning the material that is being taught in class.  I believe this would be a great study tool.  The thing I found the most interesting about Wikis is that you do not have to be an expert on the subject to be able to edit it.  This is why it is important to not trust everything you read in Wikipedia.  

Thing 14

At first this website made me angry!  I could not figure out how to make new bubbles appear on my document.  After I figured out how to make the bubbles appear I really liked this app.  I actually thought it was easier to make a mind map than a flowchart.  I could see how this could be helpful in science.  This app could allow for brainstorming regarding a scientific experiment.  If I had to choose between the two apps, I would choose bubbl.us.


I really liked this website.  After going through the tutorial I soon realized there was nothing to making a flowchart on Gliffy.  I only used one shape on the flowchart I created, but I played around with many of the shapes.  I just wanted my finished product to look clean.  I made my flowchart on a standard that I have to teach in my class which is learning the scientific method.

Thing 13

Zoho Writer

This was my first time ever hearing of Zoho.  At first I could not really figure out how to work this app, but after a few minutes I realized it was really user friendly.  I liked how I could import any document that I have on my computer and be able to share it with other students or share it with the whole world.  I also played around with creating a presentation.  To my surprise it is very similar to making a PowerPoint presentation.  Overall I liked this web-based app.  I could see how it could be easy for group work.  A group of people could actually work on a presentation without being in the same place. It allows people within that group to edit the document.  Overall I think this app could be a real asset to students that are working on group presentations.  This is a PowerPoint presentation I present in my class and this app could allow me to share it with my students so that they could study the PowerPoint slides outside of class.

Ch. 1.1 Slides

Google Docs

This was also my first time using Google Docs.  Just hearing the word google made me think that it would be easier to use than Zoho.  I soon learned I was wrong and I should never judge a book by its cover.  I just thought that it was harder to use than Zoho.  It was harder for me to figure out how to upload documents that I already have on my computer.  I am not saying that Google Docs is not a valid web app, but I would use Zoho before I ever tried to use Google Docs again.  I just believe that Zoho is easier to use, and when it comes to technology I will always choose the easiest thing to operate.  Both of these free apps would allow students to collaborate outside of school.  They can view the documents and make changes to them.  This would allow all people in the group to contribute as long as they have the internet.  The best part about both of these apps is the word FREE!  This is a document I created in Google Docs which is a short one week outline of my class.

Lesson Plan Outline

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thing 4

Sense of Community

Commenting helps create a sense of community by showing that you care or that you are interested in what the blogger is posting.  Commenting shows that you hear what the blogger is saying in their blog. You give the blogger a sense of their blog being of importance to you and it builds a relationship between the two sides.  It is impossible to build a community without communication.  Without anyone commenting on your blog ideas could not be shared or relationships to be formed.  Commenting creates a sense of family.  Everybody feels better when they have a strong sense of family.  Commenting makes everyone feel important.

Points about Commenting

One of the most important things I noticed was to be humble.  Being humble is one of the most important things that anybody can be in life.  I do not like it when people seem like they are better than everybody else or think that they know everything.  I would be more likely to post on someone's blog who is humble.  I had never thought about it until I read Nielsen's study.  I try to surround myself with humble people because they are more likely to pick you up when you are down, help you when your in need, and offer good advice.  It only makes sense to me that I would comment on blogs when the blogger is being humble.
The next point that I found important was respond to comments that were made on your blog.  I feel like this is important because people will stop responding to your posts if you do not acknowledge their comments.  Just like people want others to comment on their blog to have a sense of belonging and relationships, so do the people that are making comments.  They want to build a relationship with someone or they would not have commented.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

7 Posts

Ethan Bourke
Ethan had a really funny picture and caption of Zoolander.  It is one of my favorite movies of all time so commenting was an easy choice.  I also commented because he made a good point about having light-hearted powerpoint slides in class lectures to help keep students interested.

Matt Spinella
I commented on Matt's thing 1 because I liked how he talked about continually improving.  I feel like many people get comfortable in their position especially older teachers.  It is my goal to continually to improve and listen to feedback from my superiors.  I do not want to be labeled as one of those older teachers who does not care anymore because there is nothing anyone can do to them.

Jordan Tupper
I chose to comment on Jordan's thing 7 because he posted a picture about his hometown.  I also chose to post pictures of my hometown, so that I could get everyone a taste of my home.  I feel like it is important to show people where you came from so that they are able to understand and connect to you. I just think talking about hometowns is an easy way to build a relationship.

Kyle Christmas
I commented on Kyle's blog because he does a great job of creating a sense of community by his comments.  His comments are up lifting and build a bond with the person.  It is nice to have a very positive person in the class.

Stephen Morehouse
I liked how Stephen chose to make football be on his RSS feed.  I am also a big football fanatic.  I would have never known Stephen was a big football fan until I looked at his blog.  We are in the same class, but sit in different parts of the room.  It is nice to learn something about someone that probably would have went unknown if it wasn't for the blog.

College Football National Blog
The reason why I chose to comment on this blog was for two reasons.  I am a huge college football fan and they were talking about the Gator's backfield, which is my favorite team.  I like to see what other people's thoughts are about football.  I am always trying to learn as much as I can about football.  I posted my thoughts about the Gators backfield this football season.  I hope that someone will comment on my post.

Edward Aschoff
I also commented on his blog because he was talking about quarterbacks in the SEC.  I watch almost every SEC football game, so I felt like I could give good insight to his topic.  I was able to give reasons why I thought certain quarterbacks would be better or worse this football season.  I could talk football all day if you couldn't tell.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thing 12

The first thing I created was a Google Calendar.  The reason why I chose the calendar is because I am always forgetting dates and events.  This way I could stay on top of important times and events.  It was really easy to use and setup.  I also liked that I could link it to my phone because I am not always around my computer.  Getting an alert on my phone the day before is really handy.  I could use google calendars in my classroom to keep my students informed about up coming events such as tests.  I could give them a day to day tentative schedule for that month.  It would be an easy way to keep my students and I on the same page.  Here is a link to my calendar https://www.google.com/calendar/render?tab=wc.  I have only entered a few dates at this time.

The second thing I created using google was Google Alerts.  I am huge Florida Gators fan, so I set up alerts that would be sent to my email about any new information about the Gators.  I am constantly searching for any news regarding the Gators.  This would save me a lot of time searching on the Internet.  This could also be helpful to my class.  I could set up an alert to show me any new Chemistry labs that are inexpensive and easy for high school students.  People are always posting new labs on the Internet, and this way I would not have to spend time searching.  I would always be kept up to date on new information for my class.  Here is a link to my google alerts http://www.google.com/alerts/manage.

Thing 11

The method I found easiest for finding blogs I was interested in were the search tools for blogs.  At first I just tried looking up blogs on my own, but I could not find many that were relevant to the things I was searching.  The blog search tool that I found the easiest to use was Topix.net.  The reason why I liked this search tool the best is because it allowed me to connect to other blogs that had similar subjects.  It was easy to navigate and anybody could use this search tool.  The search tool that was most confusing to me was the google blog search.  That seems weird since I use the google search engine for pretty much everything I do on the Internet.  The reason why I did not like the google search tool is because it really did not display sites that I was searching.  The search also did not display as many similar blogs as topix.net.  I am really interested in college football recruiting because I coach high school football.  I like to see which high school kids are being recruited by certain universities.  I found some very interesting blogs that I had never came across in my previous searches.  I found a really cool Florida Gators recruiting block, which is my favorite team.  The weird thing that popped up during my search of football recruiting was Jr. Pro football coaching openings, which has absolutely nothing to do with college football recruiting.  I used yahoo and google to find blogs.  These sites were not very useful because they were not able to connect me to many different blogs by just clicking on a link that I deemed interesting.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thing 10

The thing I like the most about RSS and newsreaders is that all my favorite websites I look at everyday are all right on the same page.  Usually I have about four to five tabs open on my computer at all times. I like how RSS decreases a lot of the clutter on my computer.  The thing I don't like about RSS is that some of the sites have things I don't care about reading but they still show up.  It's not that big of deal, but I just thought I would state my only complaint.

I could use this in my personal life to keep up with the websites that are important to me.  This way I could stay informed by only looking at one page instead of many different pages.  I could use this technology in school by subscribing to to different science web sites to give me ideas for my classroom.  This way I could get many different ideas coming through my feed at once instead of having to check many different websites every so often.  This way the ideas would continually show up.

Like I said before it would give me chance to have many science websites coming up on the same feed to give me new ideas for class.  Teachers could also keep up with new laws and regulations in education.  Education is always changing and this tool could just help keep teachers informed.  Also teachers could make their page public, so that their students can look at educational information that the teacher of that class deems relevant to that subject.  It does not always have to be things about class.  It could also be things to entertain your students for instance funny videos.  Lastly teachers always wish there was more time in the day, and this technology could help cut down on some of the time a teacher spends on the Internet checking web sites and looking for new classroom ideas.  

Thing 9

The first image I created was a sign that relates to the class I teach.  I was trying to come up with something clever, but could not come up with anything.  This was my first time playing around with image generators.  It was actually fun playing with these generators.  It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be to create these images.  The only thing I really had to do was decide which words I wanted to appear on each line.  I could use this in my class by spicing up my power points.  This way students would not get bored just seeing that same thing slide after slide.  Maybe put some of these images to lighten the mood or have a laugh with my students.  Education needs to be fun and interesting for students and I think these generators could help make class fun.  Here is a link to happy face generator.

The next images I created were from image chef generator.  Famous signs always catch my attention when something else is wrote on it.  I always read road signs so I thought both of these would be an easy way to catch someone's eye.  I thought I could use these in my class to make announcements that my students would remember after class is over.  Not saying these would help how teenagers always seem to forget what is important, but it would not hurt anything because we all know they need as much help as possible.  Here is a link to image chef.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Thing 8


1. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davismedia/7057618221/">Football Field 2</a>, 2. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davismedia/6911534472/">Football Field</a>, 3. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davismedia/7057601621/">Class Rings</a>, 4. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/davismedia/6925930718/">GHS Blue Lens Flare</a>, 5. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/going-all-the-way/1843740373/">DSC07769</a>, 6. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39366556@N03/4765401786/">A large crowd turned out on July 3</a>, 7. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/81153020@N00/380868847/">Highway 41 Cafe - Greenbrier, TN</a>, 8. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39366556@N03/4122425118/">Nelson's Distillery sign in Greenbrier, TN</a>, 9. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/brent_nashville/2486181056/">Welcome to Greenbrier</a>, 10. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeremyfountain/5714416118/">Cross Plains Run</a>, 11. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39366556@N03/4766114176/">clown car in Greenbrier TN 4th of July parde</a>, 12. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/postoffices/8982516725/">Greenbrier, TN post office</a>, 13. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39366556@N03/4765241820/">YUM YUM OINK OINK</a>, 14. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/gingerge/4480609464/">Like a Christmas Card...</a>, 15. <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39366556@N03/4764573439/">Robertson County he Courthouse</a>, 16. <a href="http://www.fl

I used the Mosaic Maker to create a photo collage of my hometown of Greenbrier, Tn.  I am a teacher and a coach at Greenbrier High School.  I have also lived there my how life besides three years that I lived in Nashville while attending Vanderbilt University.  I wanted my collage to represent me and the hometown I grew up in.  I wanted everyone to be able to get a small taste of my home.

Mashups could be used in my class by having students research different parts of science and coming up with photos that represent something we have learned in class.  The students could come up and present to the class their photos and what they mean to the subject we are learning.  Also I think that it would give a chance for my students to be creative and express their feelings about a subject.  I think this would be a better project than having students do a research paper, and also give the students a chance to have fun with class.

First of all I believe that educators should be held to a higher standard than most people.  The reason for saying this is because we are the best role models that some students have in their life.  When it comes to sharing photos teachers should think about that before sharing photos that could damage a student's views or standards they hold for their teachers.  Teachers should always be cautious and make sure every picture they share online is tasteful and does not contain inappropriate images.  I have no problem with teachers posting photos online, but I do have a problem with teachers posting inappropriate images.  Teachers should remember that someone is watching their life closely and might want to be just like them when they get older.

Thing 7

Picture taken by Laurel Housden, flickr account name madrowaid taken on July 21, 2011.
The name of the photo is The Swamp.


This was my first time using flickr.  I had never even heard of this website until  coming across this task during the APSU 23 things.  I explored many different images that people had taken and uploaded to the site.  The website is really easy to navigate, and I also liked that you do not have to be a member to explore people's interesting photos.

The reason why I chose this picture is because I am a huge Florida Gators fan.  I have been a Gator fan since I began watching football around age 8.  The reason why I love the Gators is because my grandfather, "Papa" is an Alabama fan.  They use to play each other in the SEC Championship every year and I just wanted to root against him so I fell in love with the Florida Gators.  The reason for this picture selection is that I have never been to "The Swamp."  I have watched the Gators play in many stadiums, but never at their home field.  This is my dream to go watch a game in Ben Hill Griffin Stadium.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thing 6

While searching around the Web 2.0 apps I came across twiducate.  What I liked about this tool was that it was a social network for a classroom.  With students and teachers being into social networking it seems like it would be a perfect fit.  I like that it allows the teacher to control exactly what is on the network.  I also like that it allows students to collaborate and learn from each other.  They can work on problems with each other, and it really allows them to get great feedback from other students and their teacher.  The final thing I like about the app is that I could upload pictures and videos.  With me being a science teacher scientific demonstrations would be great to upload for my students to view.  I believe that this app would be useful to every subject in school.  Teachers could run with this idea and create their own social network that goes along with their class.  Here is a link to the app http://www.twiducate.com/

Thing 5

Web 2.0 to me means the future of learning.  In society today technology runs everything.  Humans are so dependent on technology that we would literally loose our minds if all servers crashed at the same time.  Nothing would work.  People would go crazy and mass chaos would definitely set in.  Most people my age which is only 25 act like the world has ended when their phone battery dies.  They are so use to having that technology right by their side they think they cannot function without it.  The same thing is happening with the way we learn and that is caused by Web 2.0.  Web 2.0 is based on technology but really it relies on us to tell it how to function.  2.0 is about sharing information and ideas.  It is all about collaborating with each other and being able to learn from each other no matter what issue we are trying to understand.  Web 2.0 is teaching us how to learn without having to sit in a classroom and listen to someone lecture and bore us to death until our mind is thinking about what we are going to eat next or when we can squeeze a nap in during the day.  This new wave of the internet is allowing us to be engaged and interact with others.  We do not have to sit back and listen anymore.  We can work with others to have a greater understanding of concepts and ideas.  I know in my case if I do not understand or know something I immediately go to the internet to find the solution.  People are interacting so much with social media now and the internet I am afraid that one day we will not know how to interact in person.

What Web 2.0 means for the future of education is giving the students another outlet to learn.  Students are going to use the internet to learn no matter if we use these resources or not in our classroom.  It is our job as educators to direct the students to use these resources in the right manner.  We have to incorporate this technology into our classrooms because every job that is being created now has to do with being able to use technology.  If students are not getting the instruction in the classroom on how to use the technology then where will they get it.  Web 2.0 is the future of education and it is our job as teachers to embrace the change and run with it.  We should not be afraid of change because if we use these resources they will make us better educators.

Thing 3

What I would use my blog for in the classroom is to show students different kind of demonstrations that we are not able to do in the classroom.  There are so many ways that students can learn about different things in Science.  One of the best ways to learn is to see a reaction actually happen instead of just writing down what happens in their notes.  I know for me if I see something I am more likely to remember how it works or why it works.  Since I teach in a school that does not have all the resources I need to perform certain labs I could find the labs on line and upload them to my blog and let the students watch the demonstrations for homework and write what they learned by watching the demonstration.  Some demonstrations could be very beneficial to the class, but the lab costs to much for the students to be able to perform it during class time.  This would be a great outlet just for them to watch what actually happens during a chemical reaction.
Also students could post questions on my blog about anything that did not make sense to them in class and ask for another resource to be posted to give them a greater understanding of the material that we are covering in class at that time.  These are just a couple of things I could do with my blog, but I really see these being beneficial for my students in their learning process.  I look forward to trying to incorporate a blog into my classroom in the future.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thing 2

I do not have any experience with blogs before this class.  I have never been big on reading other people's thoughts or propaganda.  As I stated in Thing 1 I do not like writing about myself or putting my thoughts on paper, so I have not had any personal experiences with writing or reading blogs.

I just decided to use my name as my posting name just so I would never forget it, or if anybody ever wanted to see what I had learned in this class my blog would be easy to find.  I named my blog coachjla because I love coaching.  I love working with kids so I figured I would try to personalize my blog a little bit.

I thought creating the blog was relatively easy.  It seems to be pretty straight forward and a whole lot easier than I thought.  I like how it gives you step by step instructions on how to do each part of the blog.  If all blogs are this easy anybody could do it.

My avatar reflects my personality because my avatar is smiling and anyone that knows me knows that I always have a smile on my face.  I am a happy person and my avatar looks like his is happy.  Also I chose the shirt that is unbuttoned.  The reason I did this is because in the summer I love to have my shirt unbuttoned and since it is summer it only seems fitting for my avatar to have his shirt unbuttoned.  I created an avatar that looks like my actual self.  I just wanted to see how close I could make the avatar look like me.  Also I wanted people to get a good representation of me and my personality when they look at my avatar.

Thing 1

The easiest lifelong learning habit for me is to view problems as challenges.  I always I look at things that seem to be a problem and try to figure out a solution to fix it.  I like to challenge myself to be able to figure out any problem that is placed in front of me.  I like competition and I view problems and being able to fix those problems as competition.  When I fix a problem it gives me a great satisfaction.  I do not like to go to other people when I have a problem.  I like to solve the problem on my own because I feel like I learned something on my own, and when I learn something on my own I believe I retain it for the rest of my life.
The hardest lifelong learning habit for me is to begin with the end in mind.  When I start a project I can never fully grasp how something will look in the end.  I make decisions when I am doing a project based on what I think is best at the time not what the future outcome will be based on my decisions.  This is something that I have struggled with my whole life.  This is the one life long learning habit that I hopes becomes stronger as I grow older and make wiser choices.
I want to learn things that will help me in my classroom when working with Web 2.0 tools.  Anything that will make me a more effective teacher is what I hope to learn from using the Web 2.0 tools.  I thought it was easy to set up a blog.  I am not going to lie I was skeptical about setting up a blog because I am not big on writing my thoughts and feelings down especially for other people to read.  I like to keep things inside and to myself.  I am a very private person.
