
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thing 17


First off who came up with this name?  I was just a little bit afraid of typing in a web address that is called delicious.com.  I really liked the tutorial video because if I would have not watched it, I would considered this a complete waste of time.  The reason why I say that is because I already bookmark sites on my computer.  After watching the video and exploring the site, I see how this could be useful for teachers.  The science teachers in my department are constantly sending emails to each other about science websites that have ideas for classroom activities.  We could tag and bookmark sites on delicious instead of constantly sending emails and junking up each others email.  This way we could just log on and see the sites that the other teachers bookmarked with tags that fit the subject we teach.  I get emails about Physics activities, and I don't even teach Physics.  This could save me time and energy because I could click on a tag that was useful for my subject that other teachers in my department thought would be a good resource.

I see how this could be useful in the classroom.  I could post websites or articles on delicious for my students to browse at home or in the computer lab.  The only problem I see with this is that my students could also post websites that are not related to Science and tag them under my class.  I could just see problems that might arise from social bookmarking with your students.

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