
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thing 16


I chose IGoogle as my start up page since my homepage on my computer is Google.  I really like IGoogle because it gives me all the information I need on one page.  As soon as I created the front page my email and my calendar were already on the page.  I also liked having the weather gadget on the page because I am constantly checking the weather.  I also added a sports gadget to the page.  I love sports so why not have a sports gadget.  What I liked best was having everything that I need on one page.  This would save me so much time when I get on the internet.  Instead of searching the internet, I have everything I need on one page.  Great tool that I plan on making my homepage.

Online Calendar-Google

I picked the Google calendar because I already use this app.  I like this online calendar because it is also on my phone.  It helps me keep with upcoming events that I have to attend.  This helps me keep up with things in my life because it is hard to keep up with things while coaching two sports and having deadlines at school.  I also like that it sends reminders to my phone.  That way I have no excuses on being late or forgetting about an event.  

To Do List- Remember the Milk

I think the To Do List Remember the Milk is really to much work.  The reason why I say this is because I could do the same thing in Google Calendar.  I could set a time and date for something to be done and have it remind me as often as I want it to.  I do think that this tool could be useful if you had the time to sit down and navigate the site.  I really did not think that it was very user friendly, but remember I am not that great with computers!

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