
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Thing 4

Sense of Community

Commenting helps create a sense of community by showing that you care or that you are interested in what the blogger is posting.  Commenting shows that you hear what the blogger is saying in their blog. You give the blogger a sense of their blog being of importance to you and it builds a relationship between the two sides.  It is impossible to build a community without communication.  Without anyone commenting on your blog ideas could not be shared or relationships to be formed.  Commenting creates a sense of family.  Everybody feels better when they have a strong sense of family.  Commenting makes everyone feel important.

Points about Commenting

One of the most important things I noticed was to be humble.  Being humble is one of the most important things that anybody can be in life.  I do not like it when people seem like they are better than everybody else or think that they know everything.  I would be more likely to post on someone's blog who is humble.  I had never thought about it until I read Nielsen's study.  I try to surround myself with humble people because they are more likely to pick you up when you are down, help you when your in need, and offer good advice.  It only makes sense to me that I would comment on blogs when the blogger is being humble.
The next point that I found important was respond to comments that were made on your blog.  I feel like this is important because people will stop responding to your posts if you do not acknowledge their comments.  Just like people want others to comment on their blog to have a sense of belonging and relationships, so do the people that are making comments.  They want to build a relationship with someone or they would not have commented.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

7 Posts

Ethan Bourke
Ethan had a really funny picture and caption of Zoolander.  It is one of my favorite movies of all time so commenting was an easy choice.  I also commented because he made a good point about having light-hearted powerpoint slides in class lectures to help keep students interested.

Matt Spinella
I commented on Matt's thing 1 because I liked how he talked about continually improving.  I feel like many people get comfortable in their position especially older teachers.  It is my goal to continually to improve and listen to feedback from my superiors.  I do not want to be labeled as one of those older teachers who does not care anymore because there is nothing anyone can do to them.

Jordan Tupper
I chose to comment on Jordan's thing 7 because he posted a picture about his hometown.  I also chose to post pictures of my hometown, so that I could get everyone a taste of my home.  I feel like it is important to show people where you came from so that they are able to understand and connect to you. I just think talking about hometowns is an easy way to build a relationship.

Kyle Christmas
I commented on Kyle's blog because he does a great job of creating a sense of community by his comments.  His comments are up lifting and build a bond with the person.  It is nice to have a very positive person in the class.

Stephen Morehouse
I liked how Stephen chose to make football be on his RSS feed.  I am also a big football fanatic.  I would have never known Stephen was a big football fan until I looked at his blog.  We are in the same class, but sit in different parts of the room.  It is nice to learn something about someone that probably would have went unknown if it wasn't for the blog.

College Football National Blog
The reason why I chose to comment on this blog was for two reasons.  I am a huge college football fan and they were talking about the Gator's backfield, which is my favorite team.  I like to see what other people's thoughts are about football.  I am always trying to learn as much as I can about football.  I posted my thoughts about the Gators backfield this football season.  I hope that someone will comment on my post.

Edward Aschoff
I also commented on his blog because he was talking about quarterbacks in the SEC.  I watch almost every SEC football game, so I felt like I could give good insight to his topic.  I was able to give reasons why I thought certain quarterbacks would be better or worse this football season.  I could talk football all day if you couldn't tell.

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